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Refereed journal articles

Anja Neundorf and Sergi Pardos-Prado (forthcoming) ’Historical memory and radical right
voting: VOX and the legacy of Francoism’, Journal of Politics.

Marc Helbling, Daniel Meierrieks and Sergi Pardos-Prado (2023) ’Terrorism and Immigration
Policy Preferences’, Defence and Peace Economics, 34(5): 646-659.

Anja Neundorf and Sergi Pardos-Prado (2022) ’The Impact of COVID-19 on Trump’s Electoral
Demise: The Role of Economic and Democratic Accountability’, Perspectives on Politics, 20(1):

Theresa Kuhn and Sergi Pardos-Prado (2021) ’Corruption and support for decentralisation’,
European Journal of Political Research, 60(3): 625-647.

Sergi Pardos-Prado (2020) ’Labour market dualism and immigration policy preferences’, Journal
of European Public Policy, 27(2): 188-207.

Sergi Pardos-Prado and Carla Xena (2019) ’Skill Specificity and Attitudes towards Immigration’,
American Journal of Political Science, 63(2):286-304.

Sergi Pardos-Prado and Inaki Sagarzazu (2019) ’Economic Responsiveness and the Political
Conditioning of the Electoral Cycle’, The Journal of Politics, 81(2):441-455.

Sergi Pardos-Prado and Inaki Sagarzazu (2019) ’Economic Performance and Center-Periphery
Conflicts in Party Competition’, Party Politics, 25(1):50-62.

Jordi Munoz and Sergi Pardos-Prado (2019) ’Immigration and Support for Social Policy. An
Experimental Comparison of Universal and Means-Tested Programs’, Political Science Research
and Methods, 7(4):717-735.

Sergi Pardos-Prado and Inaki Sagarzazu (2016)’The Political Conditioning of Subjective Economic
Evaluations: The Role of Party Discourse’, British Journal of Political Science, 46(4): 799-

Sergi Pardos-Prado (2015) ’How Can Mainstream Parties Prevent Niche Party Success? Center-
Right Parties and the Immigration Issue’, The Journal of Politics, 77(2): 352-367.

Laura Morales, Sergi Pardos-Prado and Virginia Ros (2015) ’Issue emergence and the dynamics
of electoral competition around immigration in Spain’, Acta Politica, 50: 461-485.

Sergi Pardos-Prado, Bram Lancee and Inaki Sagarzazu (2014) ’Immigration and Electoral
Change in Mainstream Political Space’, Political Behavior, 36: 847-875.

Sergi Pardos-Prado, Carolina Galais and Jordi Munoz (2014) ’The Dark Side of Proportionality:
Conditional Effects of Proportional Features on Turnout’, Electoral Studies, 35: 253-264.

Marta Fraile and Sergi Pardos-Prado (2014) ’The Correspondence between the Objective and
the Subjective Economies: the Role of Personal Economic Circumstances’, Political Studies,
62(4): 895-912.

Aina Gallego and Sergi Pardos-Prado (2014) ’The Big Five Personality Traits and Attitudes
towards Immigrants’, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 40(1): 79-99.

Bram Lancee and Sergi Pardos-Prado (2013) ’Group Conflict Theory in a Longitudinal Perspective:
Analysing the Dynamic Side of Ethnic Competition’, International Migration Review,
47(1): 106-131.

Sergi Pardos-Prado (2012) ’The Electoral Effect of Immigration Preferences and the Centre-
Periphery Cleavage’, South European Society and Politics, 17(3): 503-518.

Elias Dinas and Sergi Pardos-Prado (2012) ’A Hidden Giant? Exploring the Centrifugal Dynamics
of Attitudes towards the European Unification’, Acta Politica, 47: 378-399.

Sergi Pardos-Prado (2012) ’Valence beyond Consensus: Party Competence and Policy Dispersion
from a Comparative Perspective’, Electoral Studies, 31(2): 342-352.

Sergi Pardos-Prado and Francesc Cano (2012) ’Education and media exposure across systemic
levels of conflict’, International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 24(2): 121-140.

Sergi Pardos-Prado (2011) ’Framing attitudes towards immigrants in Europe: when competition
does not matter’, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 37(7): 999-1015.

Sergi Pardos-Prado and Elias Dinas (2010) ’Systemic Polarisation and Spatial Voting’, European
Journal of Political Research, 49(6): 759-786.

Sergi Pardos-Prado and Joaquim M. Molins (2009) ’The emergence of right-wing radicalism at
the local level in Spain: the Catalan case’, International Journal of Iberian Studies, 22(3): 201-218.

Joaquim M. Molins and Sergi Pardos-Prado (2006) ’Il voto di castigo? anti-immigrazione
nelle elezioni comunali in Catalogna’ (Protest anti-immigrant vote in the local elections in
Catalonia), Quaderni dell'Osservatorio Elettorale, 56: 39-67.


Sergi Pardos-Prado (2012) Xenofobia a les urnes. Sobre com la reaccio contra els immigrants es
transforma en resultats electorals. (Xenophobia at the polls. On how anti-immigrant reactions
are transformed into electoral outcomes). Barcelona: Columna. ISBN: 978-84-6641-519-4. (256

Sergi Pardos i Prado (2006) La influencia del vot tematic en el comportament electoral: la dialectica
entre estructura i conjuntura. Un estudi de cas. (The influence of issue voting on electoral
behaviour: the logic between structure and context. A case study). Barcelona: Institut de
Ciencies Politiques i Socials. ISBN: 84-690-0067-5. (129 pages).

Sergi Pardos-Prado (2006) Nacio, valors, immigracio. Nous reptes per a Europa. (Nation, values,
immigration. New challenges for Europe) Barcelona: Fundacio Ramon Trias Fargas. (60

Sergi Pardos-Prado (2005) A canvi de res? Els perques del civisme actual. (In exchange of nothing?
The reasons of contemporary civic actions). Barcelona: Portic. ISBN: 84-9809-003-2. (142

Book chapters and other manuscripts

Sergi Pardos-Prado (2020) ’Migration Politics: the end of Spanish exceptionalism?’, in Diego
Muro and Ignacio Lago (eds.) Oxford Handbook of Spanish Politics. Oxford University Press.

Sergi Pardos-Prado (2019) ’Actitudes ante la inmigracion y comportamiento electoral en Europa’.
(Attitudes towards immigration and voting behaviour in Europe), Anuario CIDOB de la
Inmigracion 2019, pp. 52-65. Barcelona Centre for International Affairs.

Sergi Pardos-Prado and Pedro Riera (2015) ’The neglected dimension of the cartel party thesis:
ideological convergence and political efficacy in established democracies’. In Muller-Rommel,
F. and Casal Bertoa, F. (eds.). Party Politics and Democracy in Europe: Essays in Honor of Peter
Mair. Abingdon/New York: Routledge.

Sergi Pardos-Prado (2014) ’The Electoral Effect of Immigration Preferences and the Centre-
Periphery Cleavage’, in Sanchez-Cuenca, I. and Dinas, E. Voters and Parties in the Spanish
Political Space. Abingdon/New York: Routledge.

Sergi Pardos-Prado (2012) ’Inmigracion y comportamiento electoral: Cataluna desde una perspectiva
comparada’ (Immigration and electoral behaviour: Catalonia from a comparative
perspective), Migration Paper Series n. 23, Barcelona Centre for International Affairs.

Sergi Pardos-Prado (2011) ’Linking institutions and individual political behaviour’, European
Political Science 10: 478-487 [book review].

Fernando Casal, Monica Ferrin and Sergi Pardos-Prado (2010) ’Spain’. In Wojciech Gagatek
(ed.) The 2009 Elections to the European Parliament. Florence: European University Institute.
ISBN: 978-92-9084-051-0. pp 165-169.

Eva Anduiza and Sergi Pardos-Prado (2009) ’Introduccio: com analitzar l’estat de la democracia?’
(Introduction: how to analyse the state of democracy?). In Eva Anduiza (ed.) Informe
sobre l’Estat de la Democracia a Catalunya 2007. Barcelona: Fundacio Jaume Bofill. ISBN: 978-
84-8334-938-0. pp 15-46.

Robert Lineira and Sergi Pardos-Prado (2009) ’Actors col.lectius: associacions, partits i mitjans
de comunicacio’ (Collective actors: associations, parties and media). In Eva Anduiza (ed.)
Informe sobre l’Estat de la Democracia a Catalunya 2007. Barcelona: Fundacio Jaume Bofill. ISBN:
978-84-8334-938-0. pp 245-319.

Joaquim M. Molins and Sergi Pardos-Prado (2007) ’Las elecciones autonomicas de 2003 en
Cataluna: resultados, tendencias, ciclos, coyuntura e ideologia’. (The 2003 regional elections
in Catalonia: results, tendencies, cycles, context and ideology). In Joaquim M. Molins and
Pablo Onate (eds.) Elecciones y comportamiento electoral en la Espana multinivel. Madrid: Centro
de Investigaciones Sociologicas. ISBN: 84-7476-416-5. pp 105-136.

Sergi Pardos-Prado (2006) ’Que es y como se crea la opinion publica?’. (What is and how is
public opinion formed?). In Eva Anduiza (ed.) Opinion publica y medio ambiente. Barcelona:
Grao. ISBN: 84-7827-436-7. pp 11-42.

Sergi Pardos-Prado (2006) ’Tecnicas de observacion de la opinion publica’. (Techniques to
observe public opinion). In Eva Anduiza (ed.) Opinion publica y medio ambiente. Barcelona:
Grao. ISBN: 84-7827-436-7. pp 70-118.

Joaquim M. Molins and Sergi Pardos (2005) ’Las elecciones municipales de 2003 en Cataluna:
el ruido contra la estructura. Lo global y lo local’. (The 2003 local elections in Catalonia: the
noise vs. the structure. The global and the local). In Francisco Llera and Pablo Onate (eds.)
Politica comparada: entre lo local y lo global. Madrid: Centro de Investigaciones Sociologicas.
ISBN: 84-7476-382-7. pp 91-118.

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